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Clinic for Surgery

The thyroid gland is the most frequently diseased endocrine gland that requires surgical treatment. You are in the best hands at Zollikerberg Hospital: Our recognised specialists have been successfully treating thyroid diseases for many years.

After precise preliminary clarification by the thyroid specialist, thyroid surgery is always performed with nerve monitoring and, if necessary, with magnifying glasses. This serves to avoid vocal cord nerve injuries. Our Senior Consultant Visceral Surgeon, Dr Stephan Müller, performs the operations and has experience of over 1,000 thyroid operations.

Dr Hermann Engel performs all thyroid examinations at the Zurich Thyroid Practice. The practice is located in the Zollikerberg Hospital, on the 3rd floor of our main building.


Since 1 July 2019, Zollikerberg Hospital has been helping to promote the best possible treatments by providing anonymised information on operations on endocrine organs. The data analysed in the European eurocrine® register serves to increase knowledge and identify best practices.

eurocrine® certificate


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Surgery specialist for thyroid diseases

Portrait photo

Dr. med. Stephan Müller

Senior Consultant Visceral Surgeon, Clinic for Surgery

Spital Zollikerberg
Klinik für Chirurgie
Trichtenhauserstrasse 20
8125 Zollikerberg

Diagnostics specialist for thyroid diseases

Portrait photo

Dr. med. Hermann Engel

Consultant physician, Clinic for Surgery

Schilddrüsenpraxis Zürich
Spital Zollikerberg
Trichtenhauserstrasse 20
8125 Zollikerberg