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Editorial team
Zollikerberg Hospital
Marketing and Communication
Trichtenhauserstrasse 20
8125 Zollikerberg

Head of Marketing and Communication
Andreas Bildstein, Head of Marketing and Communication

Digital Media Project Management
Büsra Gökkan, Marketing and Communication Specialist

Stiftung Diakoniewerk Neumünster - Swiss Nursing School
Neuweg 16
8125 Zollikerberg


Technical realisation:
extra virgin gmbh
Neugasse 12
9000 St.Gallen

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Despite all care taken to ensure the correctness of the published information, no guarantee can be given with regard to the correctness, accuracy, up-to-dateness, reliability and completeness of this information. Zollikerberg Hospital expressly reserves the right to change, delete or temporarily not publish content in whole or in part at any time without prior notice. Liability claims against Zollikerberg Hospital for material or immaterial damage arising from access to, use or non-use of the published information, misuse of the connection or technical faults are excluded.

References and links
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