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Clinic for Surgery

The success of operations on the fine structures of the hand requires great precision and dexterity on the part of the hand surgeon. At Zollikerberg Hospital, two recognised specialists deal with hand surgery.

Our services in the field of hand surgery

  • Treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Ring ligament splitting for fast moving fingers
  • Removal of ganglia
  • Treatment of injuries to the hand
  • Treatment of fractures of the hand and finger bones

In our hand surgery consultation, you will receive detailed and sensitive advice, your treatment will be planned and follow-up care will also be provided.

In the best hands

To restore the function and mobility of your fingers, you will be shown exercises that you need to do regularly after an operation. At Zollikerberg Hospital, you will be supported by occupational therapists in addition to the treating surgeon.

Your hand surgery specialists

Portrait photo

Dr. med. Andreas Schierz

Chief Physician, Clinic Management, Clinic for Surgery, Hospital Management

Spital Zollikerberg
Klinik für Chirurgie
Trichtenhauserstrasse 20
8125 Zollikerberg

Portrait photo

PD Dr. med. Boris Czermak

Attending physician

Chirurgie am Kreuzplatz
Forchstrasse 4
8008 Zürich