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Clinic for Internal Medicine

In the Pneumology department, we specialise in diseases of the lower respiratory tract, including the trachea, bronchi and alveoli.

We focus on the prevention, early diagnosis and effective treatment of lung and respiratory diseases. By improving your lung function, we aim to achieve a lasting improvement in your quality of life.

Person carries out a lung function test with a spirometer.

Customised treatment plan

We take a personalised approach to clarifying your symptoms by working closely with you and your referring doctor. This process includes taking your medical history, a targeted physical examination and auxiliary instrumental examinations, first and foremost the measurement of lung function.

Depending on the issue, further instrumental examinations may be part of the diagnostic process, including respiratory polygraphy to detect pauses in breathing, X-ray examinations (from simple chest X-rays to computerised tomography of the chest) and bronchoscopy (lung endoscopy).

Our services in pneumology

  • Pneumological consultation
  • Spirometry
  • Bicycle spiroergometry
  • Body plethysmography
  • Diffusion measurement
  • Bronchoprovocation with methacholine
  • Exhaled nitric oxide fraction
  • Sniff-nasal-inspiratory-pressure test
  • Arterial blood gas analysis
  • Home oxygen therapy
  • Respiratory polygraphy
  • Nocturnal positive airway pressure (CPAP)
  • Non-invasive home ventilation
  • Bronchoscopy with broncho-alveolar lavage, transbronchial needle aspiration, transbronchial lung biopsy and bronchial mucosal biopsy

Complementary offer

Pulmonary rehabilitation is a modern therapy method for chronic lung diseases. Its aim is to improve performance and quality of life.

Your specialists for pneumology

Portrait photo

Dr. med. Patrick Muggensturm

Co-Chief Physician, Clinic for Internal Medicine

Spital Zollikerberg
Klinik für Innere Medizin
Trichtenhauserstrasse 20
8125 Zollikerberg

Portrait photo

Dr. med. Cécile Robinson

Head physician, Clinic for Internal Medicine

Spital Zollikerberg
Klinik für Innere Medizin
Trichtenhauserstrasse 20
8125 Zollikerberg