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Visit - Zollikerberg Hospital at Home®

"Every person should be taken seriously in their physical, mental, psychological, social, cultural and spiritual wholeness." Pastoral care team at Zollikerberg Hospital

Particularly in unusual situations, such as during a hospital stay, it is helpful to discuss your own situation and the resulting questions or fears with someone from outside. Our counsellors are there for you. Discuss your concerns with the person treating you so that a visit can be arranged.

Ecumenically open pastoral care

The counselling team always focuses on what is important to the other person and respects all religious and ideological beliefs. It will also put you in touch with counsellors from other religious communities.

Church service

A hospital service is held twice a month in the church of the Diakoniewerk. It is organised alternately under Reformed and Catholic leadership. All interested parties are cordially invited to attend, regardless of their denomination. A team of volunteers is always on hand to accompany you. This means that it is also possible to attend in a wheelchair or even in bed.

Memorial services

Zollikerberg Hospital supports grieving parents of prematurely deceased children with a memorial service, among other things. The funeral and memorial service for premature deaths takes place on the second Wednesday in September at 2.00 pm at Zollikerberg Cemetery.

Modern meditation room with colourful church window, cushions and wooden furniture.

Harmony and tranquillity

The Room of Silence invites you to rest and reflect. It is an interfaith place of peace, contemplation and silent prayer. Our room is located on the first floor of the east wing of the hospital and is open around the clock. You are welcome at any time.

Further information

Catholic Church in the Canton of Zurich

Reformed Church in the Canton of Zurich

Hospital chaplaincy team

Portrait photo

lic. theol. Sales Meier

Roman Catholic hospital chaplain

Spital Zollikerberg
Trichtenhauserstrasse 20
8125 Zollikerberg

Portrait photo

Pfr. Stefan Morgenthaler

Protestant-reformed hospital chaplain

Spital Zollikerberg
Trichtenhauserstrasse 20
8125 Zollikerberg

Portrait photo

Pfrn. Sabine Schneider

Hospital chaplaincy

Spital Zollikerberg
Trichtenhauserstrasse 20
8125 Zollikerberg

  • Spitalseelsorge
    Trichtenhauserstrasse 20
    8125 Zollikerberg