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A look into the day-to-day work of Dr Migena Doda-Resuli

Dr. med. univ. (A) Migena Doda-Resuli

Dr. med. univ. (A) Migena Doda-Resuli

October 2, 2023

reading time

6 min

In this hospital story, you will find out how Dr Migena Doda-Resuli found her way into radiology, what challenges she has overcome on her career path and much more.

What stages have you gone through in your professional career so far?

It's an exciting odyssey (laughs). My medical studies began in Tirana, Albania, where I spent the first 22 years of my life. In the third year, the preclinical phase, I was given the opportunity to study in Vienna. I just had to learn German very quickly beforehand (laughs). Eight years later, I had my doctorate, but I was unable to pursue my goals due to a surplus of doctors in Austria (yes, that may sound strange, but there really was a surplus in Austria in the early 2000s). However, this opportunity was available in Germany, so I moved to North Rhine-Westphalia a year later and completed my specialist qualification in radiology there. After the examination, the doors are indeed open to you and I was able to take up my position at Zollikerberg Hospital after a year of practice in Switzerland, which showed me other sides of the profession. That was seven years ago now.

What motivated you to become a doctor and choose this medical specialisation?

I come from a medical family: doctors and dentists, MTRAs, lab technicians, physiotherapists and even hospital HR employees. So it was almost an obvious choice for me (laughs). The choice of radiology was also more of a head decision. Fortunately, however, it very quickly became clear that this is my home - I haven't regretted my choice for a single day.

You've been with us at Zollikerberg Hospital since 2016. What aspects of your job make your place of work particularly pleasant for you?

I really like the fact that we as Radiology are located in the centre of the hospital. This is very pleasant because we have short distances (e.g. in the reporting rooms). Even in emergencies or complex cases, the dialogue with the clinics can take place quickly and smoothly. What also impresses me personally (without any ulterior motives!) is the patient population: very civilised, very reasonable.

What are your responsibilities as Head Physician in Radiology?

As a rule, we look after a specific modality in daily rotations, including computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound. X-rays, fluoroscopy and interventions are divided up internally on the same day at the latest. Mammograms are currently performed two days a week in coordination with the Breast Centre. In addition, we hold daily presentations in the Medical and Surgical Report, which take place once a day. Our services, which ensure that all emergencies in the hospital are covered, are currently guaranteed until 8.00 p.m. on 356 days.

What is a typical working day like for you in your current position?

My main focus at the moment is mammography. I start by making the orders - these are the work orders for the radiographers - to get the best possible results with as little radiation as possible. As soon as the images have been taken, I assess them and, depending on the situation, I also perform sonographies on the respective patients. The findings are then drawn up. Discussing the findings (feedback) and carrying out a biopsy if necessary is also part of my daily routine. In the meantime, depending on the workload, I am also available to support the other departments, make reports or am on duty.

Are there any particular cases or situations that you particularly remember in your career as a radiologist?

At least one every day (laughs).

But I would like to share something special: holding reports. This is a situation where you sit in front of a group of 5 to 50 doctors from different medical specialities and present the results of the examinations that have been carried out. It's actually a great thing because you include the clinical perspective. The difficult thing about it, however, is the stage fright. At first, I always felt like a singer on stage who was either pelted with tomatoes or applauded (laughs). Fortunately, it's different in reality and that was a long time ago.

How do you find the balance between your professional work and your personal life?

For me, the person who creates this balance is an artist. I haven't found the recipe yet, but I'm constantly working on it and I'm on the right track (laughs).

What are your long-term goals and visions?

As I didn't go in the direction of research and habilitation for objective reasons, I realised that I couldn't become a head physician. However, it was crucial for me to achieve the title of "Chief Physician" and I am glad that I have achieved this goal. I've arrived and I'm enjoying it.

But as life goes, the balance can change in different contexts. That's why I'm open to reorienting myself if necessary and continuing to make the best of it.


Portrait photo

Dr. med. univ. (A) Migena Doda-Resuli

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