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Quality measurement

Quality measurements and surveys are an established procedure for recording the quality of processes, structural quality and treatment outcomes for certain interventions and illnesses. These surveys enable us to precisely evaluate our services in comparison with other hospitals. As a member of the National Association for Quality Development in Hospitals and Clinics (ANQ) , we are actively committed to the continuous improvement of our quality standards. We regularly carry out the prescribed measurements in accordance with the regulations for acute hospitals, and we also take part in the agreed measurements of the Association of Zurich Hospitals (VZK). We also carry out further quality measurements on behalf of the hospital management.

Patient satisfaction

Every year, we measure the satisfaction of our patients. We use both the ANQ patient satisfaction survey and, alternately, the Patient Experience Questionnaire (PEQ) or the Patient Questionnaire (OPF) for this purpose.

Management and organisation of process management and quality development

Portrait photo

Yves Talamona

Head of Process Management and Quality Development, Hospital Management

Spital Zollikerberg
Prozessmanagement und Qualitätsentwicklung
Trichtenhauserstrasse 20
8125 Zollikerberg